BOOK MINISTRY PUBLISHING – Self-Publishing Services

What is self-publishing

Self-publishing is the process of bringing your dream to life, your way. You control the publication, production, distribution, and marketing of the book you write
You work independently, without sharing copyright or royalties. You reserve full rights on the content, control every aspect of publication and enjoy 100 % of the net profit from your sales.

How is self-publishing different from traditional publishing

Unlike traditional publishing where the publishing house commissions the work and has a large invested stake in the process and product, self-publishing is entirely author-centric. You write what you want, how you want, retain the copyright, and exercise full authority of the manuscript at every stage of publication.

Why self-publish

Quite simply, when you self-publish, YOU are the publisher.
That means the finished copies, the copyright, all subsidiary rights, and all profits are exclusively yours!
You, as the author, are in complete control of the creative and marketing process.
And in complete control of the time frame.
We are here merely to assist you with the process.

Most potential or first-time authors feel overwhelmed by the prospect of publishing their own book.
From the outside, the publishing world can look very intimidating. The process, involved and expensive.
But, the truth is, it’s not – complicated or expensive.
Or, it doesn’t have to be.
That is what we are here for.
If you are considering self-publishing, we can help you produce, print, and market a high-quality book.
No matter where you are in your publishing journey, we can help you achieve your dream.

Is it still self-publishing if …

Yes, it’s still self-publishing. Any process of publication that does not go through official publishing channels, is considered self-published.
Even if all you do is write – and you leave everything else to someone else, it is still self-published.
That’s why self-publishing houses exist. We come alongside you, at your point of need. We handle the complexity of the publication process. You pay us an agreed rate for that particular service. While you maintain full autonomy and enjoy 100% royalty for every book sold.

What are the benefits of self-publishing

You publish what you want
There are no gatekeepers, no literary agents, no publishers, no nay-sayers standing in your way. You publish whatever you want.

Higher returns
When you work with a traditional publisher, they take their cut. When you self-publish, you own the process. You own the product. You reap the rewards.

More Control
When you self-publish, you have complete control of your process.

Same quality, easier process
With all the recent advancements in technology, the average man on the street now has access to resources once the sole claim of the publisher. Self-published authors now have access to high-quality printing and book distribution networks similar to that of traditionally published authors. Your final product will look as good, as theirs, standing comfortably alongside them on any bookshelf.

What can you self-publish

Literally, anything!